What is the plan for Gun Lake water access? Was it supported by the community?

    • The Gun Lake Neighbourhood Vision includes the following sentence: “Improving public water access while ensuring that environmental impacts are mitigated and ongoing maintenance is carried out.”
    • This refers to a specific District Lot (8029) being contemplated for a day use picnic area on the north side of Gun Lake and ensuring appropriate infrastructure is in place to support this use (picnic tables, outhouses, parking).
    • Community support for these improvements has been indicated through prior public engagement opportunities. A community survey will be undertaken as part of a separate process from the OCP.  

    For the Bralorne water system, is there a plan to install a generator transfer switch?

    • This is outside the scope of the Official Community Plan, but is included in the SLRD Area A Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan.
    • For future questions of this nature, we encourage you to reach out to our Environmental Services Department at utilities@slrd.bc.ca.

    What is the plan for repairing the water system in Gold Bridge?

    • The Draft OCP speaks to a Gold Bridge Water System Condition Assessment and Asset Management Plan, which was completed in 2023. The Plan outlines potential upgrades and replacement of infrastructure.
    • For future questions of this nature, we encourage you to reach out to our Environmental Services Department at utilities@slrd.bc.ca.

    How has housing for BC Hydro workers been considered in the development of the plan?

    • BC Hydro was engaged early on in the process through a stakeholder interview so that we could better understand their specific housing needs over the next 15-20 years. In general, it is anticipated that the majority of BC Hydro workers will be housed in camp housing with some workers staying in local accommodations. Peak housing need for worker accommodation is anticipated to occur in 2030, as covered in the Draft OCP. This need will be considered when new rezoning proposals for Area A are brought forward.

    Is fuel mitigation being addressed on Gun Creek Road?

    • At this time, funding has not been secured to address the remaining 1-kilometer section of forest on Gun Creek Road. However, the Area Director is aware of this and has been seeking solutions.
    • The Draft OCP speaks to the need for improved fuel mitigation more broadly.
    • For future questions of this nature, we encourage you to reach out to our Wildfire Mitigation Lead at MLussier@slrd.bc.ca.

    How are rental restrictions for short-term rentals being addressed through the OCP?

    • Rental restrictions for short-term rentals would generally be located within the zoning bylaws as these constitute more detailed land use. This is the case in other Electoral Areas in the SLRD where they are not permitted.
    • The zoning bylaw for Area A currently contains the following provision:
      • 4.18 Unless expressly permitted in this Bylaw, short-term rental is prohibited in all zones including zones which broadly permit single-family dwelling, secondary suite, bed and breakfast, tourist accommodation, and accessory/auxiliary dwelling or use. 
    • Other provisions for short-term rentals such as considering Temporary Use Permits and Good Neighbour Agreements may be explored following the adoption of this Official Community Plan.

    How does the OCP address affordable housing, and are there current affordable housing projects planned? Who will fund affordable housing?

    • The Draft OCP addresses the need for access to suitable and affordable housing in a number of ways, including the vision(s) and individual objectives and policies. The 2019 Housing Need and Demand Study informs the OCP, including the numbers and types of housing that will be needed in Area A moving forward.
    • An example provision from the Draft OCP is:
      • 5.3.5 Encourage the development of affordable housing, and consider developing regulations or agreements that permit a range of housing types and foster renovations of older buildings where feasible. 
    • Funding for affordable housing projects would be up to the individual property owners, or developers, who may pursue a variety of different funding models.